Monday, August 15, 2011

Answer #5 - Who invented the First Go-Kart and why?

A very good question that I'd be happy to answer.

The answer here is that the Go-Kart was first invented by a man called Art Ingels, who made the first Go-Kart back in 1956 in California, and the purpose behind Ingels' invention was to create a new post-war past-time for airmen.

But Go-Karting had a slow start until the duo Duffy Livingstone and Roy Desbrow, who founded GP Mufflers in 1958, saw this marvelous invention, and began to fabricate their own version and over the years improve on the idea, GP eventually became Go Kart Manufacturing, Co. Inc.


  1. Hi. I have read in one blog that answers this question: Who invented first go kart. Link is here.

    I hope that it helps even a bit. Happy to share that with you guys.

    1. Thank you for your information, looks like everything but the year has matched, I wonder if the year I found was relating to the year that GP Mufflers changed their name.
