Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Answer #9 - What Is The Most Valuable Ferrari?

I have an answer for this, but over time, this answer could waiver

Currently, a 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO was recently purchased at an auction of around $38 Million USD

Answer #8 - In the TV Series, Burn Notice, What Car Does Michael Westin Have?

Very easy question

His Father's Black 1973 Dodge Charger

Answer #7 - Where is W. G. Allen & Sons (Tipton) Ltd Located Out of?

A good question and here's an answer

W. G. Allen & Sons (Tipton) Ltd is Headquartered at -

Temple Court, 35th Bull Street, Birmingham, B4 6JT, United Kingdom

Answer #6 - How Did 7-Eleven Get it's Name?

Good question and here's a simple answer.

Back in it's beginning from 1927, as just being several local corner stores in the state of Texas, known as Southland Ice, that began to sell items that are ice cold for freshness, such as milks and eggs, but it wasn't until 1946 when the name 7-Eleven was started to be used officially, from the corner's store hours being from 7am - 11pm.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Answer #5 - Who invented the First Go-Kart and why?

A very good question that I'd be happy to answer.

The answer here is that the Go-Kart was first invented by a man called Art Ingels, who made the first Go-Kart back in 1956 in California, and the purpose behind Ingels' invention was to create a new post-war past-time for airmen.

But Go-Karting had a slow start until the duo Duffy Livingstone and Roy Desbrow, who founded GP Mufflers in 1958, saw this marvelous invention, and began to fabricate their own version and over the years improve on the idea, GP eventually became Go Kart Manufacturing, Co. Inc.

Answer #4 - What was Arctic Cat's first ATV?

A good question, and I may have the answer.

The Answer is that Arctic Cat's first ATV was the Bearcat 454 that start production in 1996.

Answer #3 - What's the best thing that's unhealthy?

There are many things that are very unhealthy for anyone, and it varies on your overall health in the first place.

I narrowed it down to a few things off the top of my head.

-Radioactive contamination
-Eating tubs of lard
-Unprotected sexual intercourse with those who have AIDS or HIV
-Overdosing on medications, or worse, drugs
-Poisoning of any sort

There maybe some others out there that would rank up there too, but again, these were the ones off the top of my head.

Answer #2 - Do you believe that aliens exist?

A question for the ages, but not really, does aliens exist, and if they do, are they friendly or foe?

The truth is, that there is alien lifeforms out there, not much physical evidence about this of course, but the amount of evidence does exists within out solar system, as ancient fossils of lifeforms at a cellular level.

With that in mind, it's very possible that in other star systems that there is lifeforms out there, just don't know what level of development they could be at, could less evolved then we earthlings, or roughly the same, even the possibility that they could be more evolved then us. The only issue is that out technology is still very limited to explore that far out into the depths of space. But the Hubble telescope as discovered many, many star systems that are within a few light years from here.

Now for answering the question, "are they friend of foe"?

And the only answer that I can give on that, it's hard to say how creatures at a cellular level can be either one, as they are very underdeveloped compared to us, or they were, since the fossils that were found on Mars some years ago were dated back to several millions of years ago. But if we even do find a life form that is nearly as developed as us or vise versa, that they may react the same way as we would, just being very cautions and wait to see if they might attack first or at all.

Answer #1 - Are trains safe to go on during the riots?

The riots going on all over England are absolutely terrible, and the many who are in constant fear and who just want things to be normal again want to know what is the best and safest way of transportation, many have asked is a train a good way?

The answer is no, the train is not the best way, because think about it, what if a riot breaks out during the train ride, where on earth are you suppose to go and flea to safety?

The only real way to stay safe during this tragedy is to stay home, but if you must go out, the only safe way honestly is to take a private helicopter, and even that's not safe, been rumors of the rioters having explosives and can simply thrown them anywhere, but again just a rumor, a car is just and a terrible ideas as walking to were you need to go, a bus is about as bad and the idea of a train ride, a bike is about the same as walking.

In short, there is no guarantee of a safe way of where you need to go, so make sure that it's worth going to wherever or whatever you need to be.